The national program for the implementation of the Youth FACT teams in Norway is based on the involvement of the users’ voices in all part of the implementation process. We will present our current Youth FACT education and training program for professionals in the Norwegian Youth FACT teams and the ideas behind it. All teams have peer specialists as a part of their multi-disciplinary team. Subsequently, the adolescent voice is an important part of the training. A panel of young persons with lived experience from mental health services has been established to include the youngsters voice in the implementation of the Youth FACT teams in Norway.
Our training program has been using in-person meetings with traditional lectures and reflections in smaller group discussions, as well as digital webinars. The national youth panel meets digitally through the Teams platform every month.
Three classes have completed the training by June 2024. The evaluation from the working teams holds promising potential. The national youth panel holds strong regards within the field of mental health and their opinions affect the decision making on many levels in the implementation process, including collaboration with national authorities.
We will discuss the curriculum as well as the didactics of the training program, and how the seven C´s and the youth voice are consistent topics throughout the days the teams meet. A more detailed outline of the lived experiences and how they give advice on almost all parts of the implementation process will also be the focus in this presentation. National training and the inclusion of the youth voice ensures good quality in the services for the targeted population.