Introduction: Lived Experience (LE) led research is the most extended form of participatory research. However, LE researchers remain uncommon, and their role is often undefined and insecure.
The overall aim of this project is to develop a standardized set of methods for LE research on how to apply lived experiences throughout the research process, and guidelines to ensure a safe, inclusive, and flexible work environment.
Methods: The project originates from the Danish research program Recovery & Inclusion at Copenhagen Research Centre for Mental Health (CORE), which has employed LE researchers since 2015. The project methods encompass a scoping review on methods for involving LE researchers, interviews with stakeholders (including LE researchers, colleagues, and leaders) to investigate experiences with including LE researchers in a research team, and finally, the production of a logic model of change mechanisms and effects.
Results: The project will result in several products: (1) A general job description for LE researchers, (2) A standardized set of methods for LE researchers, (3) Guidelines for research leaders, with recommendations on how to create a safe and inclusive work environment, (4) Guidelines for LE researchers with recommendations on how to navigate in the role, and (5) A logic model.
Discussion: The products will be a significant contribution to the literature and practice of LE researchers. It will create less uncertainty about their role, strengthen their professional competences, and increase the quality of mental health research. The provision of guidelines will prompt commitment and adjustments from leaders in working practices into more inclusive and flexible practices.
Future research includes a feasibility study of the methods and guidelines. The products have the potential to be implemented throughout CORE and in other research institutions. By contributing with new and essential knowledge, the project will contribute to a viable and thriving LE workforce.