In the National Health and Hospital Plan for the 2020-2023, the Norwegian Directorate of Health was assigned to support the establishment, implementation, and evaluation of multidisciplinary outreach treatment teams for youth with severe and complex problems. These youth struggle with mental health problems, substance use, challenges in many life domains, and they often receive many different services including health, educational, and child welfare. The Directorate announced grant funds to implement a specific model, the Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) tailored for young people (Youth FACT). In 2020, three pilot teams were established in and around Oslo through a collaboration between hospital based and community based mental health services for youth.
The Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Concurrent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders was assigned by the Directorate of Health to conduct a research-based evaluation of these three Youth FACT pilot teams. The evaluation focused on gathering feedback and experiences from the youth involved, their relatives, the team staff, and collaborative partners of the teams. This evaluation took place during the second year of operation for these teams. The ultimate goal of this assessment was to use the findings for the ongoing development and improvement of Youth FACT in Norway.
Results: The young people and their next of kin experienced the FACT team to be more flexible and a new way of giving services compared to the traditional services for children and youths. They experienced the team staff to be more oriented towards their needs and wishes. Discussion: the results provided direction for further developing the Youth FACT model in Norway. We will discuss the consequences for the FACT teams.