A crisis signaling plan is a tool for clients with severe mental illness to increase self-management and to prevent relapse. However, both clients and care professionals experience obstacles in creating and using a crisis signaling plan. For clients, the focus on negative developments in personal functioning and working with a hard copy, which is not readily available, are perceived as barriers. Clients also indicate that the plan is often outdated, written in professional care language rather than in their own words, and family or friends are often not involved or familiar with it.
In an iterative design process in collaboration with various stakeholders Parnassia Group psychiatric institute and Therapyland, an e-health designer, developed a digital version (app) of a signaling plan. This signaling plan, called Power Plan, focuses on what the client needs to feel healthy and comfortable. In the app, the client can fill in habits and helpful actions for different mood conditions. In addition, clients can record as often as they wish what they are doing, thinking or feeling and share this information with care professionals and family members or friends. The app is a guide for conversation and together with care professionals and family members or friends agreements can be made about the desired help.
Since 2023, a pilot with Power Plan takes place within a number of teams of the Parnassia Group. In a qualitative study, interviews are being conducted with clients and care professionals about their experiences with Power Plan. A topic list and thematic analysis are used. Based on the findings, (final) adjustments are made to the Power Plan app and recommendations are formulated for further implementation in mental health practice.