Mental health atlases are integrated planning tools for studying social and health policies in mental health. They allow different types of analysis to be carried out to provide managers with information for designing potential interventions and health policies. In previous work, this research team has developed mental health atlases in different regions of Spain and the world. Until now, these atlases have taken the form of technical reports with data relating to a specific period. However, thanks to technological advances, it is possible to include real-time data, which provides valuable information for optimising processes and speeding up decision-making. Interactive atlases are tools that improve and enhance the usability of products that allow the visualisation of raw or processed data, as they provide new ways of interacting with the tool to update the information and create customised maps to support decision-making.
The interactive mental health atlases integrate indicators of service context and use a standard classification of services and cartographic location. Data was collected from the mental health atlases previously produced in Andalusia in 2023.
The tool allows users to consult data on the distribution, accessibility, and use of mental health services in a territory. In addition, users can modify, reorganise, generate complex maps, and analyse any element of information based on the expert judgement of the managers.
Interactive mental health atlases comprehensively examine the care ecosystem and contribute to supporting and improving the management of mental health services.