P-43 | Common mental disorder in Basque Country person_pinJuan Manuel ARJONA FUENTES - Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Sevilla, Spain
P-44 | Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on psychiatric and psychological consultation-liaison services person_pinFrancesco AMADDEO - Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement. University of Verona, Verona, Italy
P-45 | Feasibility of a benzodiazepine deprescribing program to reduce side effects and carbon emissions person_pinMatthias BRUNN - Sciences Po - LIEPP, Paris, France
P-46 | Are the Assertive Outreach Community Teams an efficient type of care? In search for meaning person_pinNerea ALMEDA - Department of Psychology, Universidad Loyola Andalucia, Seville, Spain
P-48 | The cost-utility of a community mental health care intervention over 24 months in Germany person_pinReinhold KILIAN - Universität Ulm, Abteilung Psychiatrie II, Günzburg, Germany
P-50 | A liaison-somatic team: Exploring meetings between medical specialists and patients in Psychiatry person_pinBirgitte LERBÆK - Psychiatry, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
P-51 | How can we improve mental health care accessibility for people with substance use disorders? person_pinJürgen MAGERMAN - Research Collective EQUALITY, HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ghent, Ghent, Belgium - Department of Special Needs Education, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
P-53 | What are the impacts of implementing recovery innovations into services? A new conceptual framework person_pinMyra PIAT - McGill University, Montreal, Canada
P-55 | Comprehensive evaluation of MH care provision in Andalusia (Spain) for effective service planning person_pinMencia R. GUTIÉRREZ-COLOSIA - Universidad Loyola Andalucia, Sevilla, Spain
P-58 | Exploring the sustainability determinants of recovery-oriented interventions for adults. person_pinEleni SOFOULI - McGill University, Montreal, Canada - Douglas Mental Health University Institute - Research Center, Montreal, Canada
P-60 | Integrating mental health care into primary care for adolescentsand young adults: systematic review person_pinCaroline HUAS - FSEF, Paris, France - CESP team DevPsy, UVSQ, Inserm, Versailles, France
P-61 | An evaluation of the Danish headspace initiative to improve youth mental health and well-being person_pinSiv BJØRKEDAL - Copenhagen Research Center for Mental Health (CORE), Hellerup, Denmark
P-62 | Mapping the care pathway to multidisciplinary assessment of 12-25 year olds with somatoform disorder person_pinPauline BOUÉ - Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
P-63 | Addressing Intergenerational Injustice's Impact on Youth Mental Health person_pinGerald JORDAN - University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
P-64 | Nature-Based Approaches in Child & Adolescent Mental Health a qualitative study of staff experiences person_pinRebecca HARDWICK - University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom
P-65 | Child & Adolescent Mental Health workers' reported levels of wellbeing job satisfaction & burn-out person_pinRachel HAYES - University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom
P-66 | Psychosocial difficulties of children aged 3 to 17 years, a representative cross-sectionnal survey person_pinJean-Baptiste HAZO - Drees, Paris, France
P-67 | Parent and care-giver support following a young person's suicide attempt A qualitative evaluation person_pinMichelle KEHOE - Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia - Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
P-69 | Non-pharmacological management of overweight and obesity in adolescents with psychiatric disorders person_pinAnnika NORDKAMP - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital, Mental Health Services CPH, Copenhagen, Denmark - Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health Care (CARMEN), Glostrup, Denmark - The Children’s Obesity Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Nordsjællands Hospital, Hillerød, Denmark
P-70 | Mindfulness training in a virtual reality environment for people with schizophrenia. person_pinIga PLENCLER - Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Kraków, Poland
P-71 | Effects of physical development on children's trait perception, empathy, and prosocial behaviour person_pinKatharina STIEHL - University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
P-72 | " VIA FAMILY VERSION 2.0" - Peer Support in a family-based intervention person_pinCharlotte TØRNES - Copenhagen Research Center for mental health , Gentofte, Denmark